There are many benefits from walking your dog for you and your dog, and if you hire a dog walker we get the same benefits.
The primary benefit is a happier, healthier dog. But, let's break it down and talk about all the reasons why your dog is happier and healthier when they get those regular walks.
Walking in general has many health benefits including physical, emotional, and mental health.

Benefits for pet parents who walk their dogs
Experts recommend human adults get at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity for at least 5 days a week, which can be a brisk walk. Therefore, taking your dog out on a walk is good for both of you! And, if you can get out twice a day or go for a longer walk the overall effect is even better.
Some dogs like a leisurely sniffari, so 'brisk' may be a real stretch for those situations, but you can still get the benefit of movement. Maybe when your dog stops to sniff a tree or munch on some grass you can just add some marching to increase your steps and heart rate. Your dog may think you are weird, but you can get them used to that embarrassing behaviour over time.
Additional physical health benefits for us:
lower risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer's, and type 2 diabetes
better sleep and all the additional benefits that go with that
helps maintain a healthier weight and the additional benefits that provide
improved bone health
Mental health benefits for us include:
improved memory and attention
reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety
Emotional health benefits for us include:
quality time and bonding
seeing your dog happy will likely bring a smile to your face
Benefits for our dogs
The effect on dogs is going to be very similar.
Physical health benefits for our dogs:
helps maintain a healthier weight and the additional benefits that provide
improve or maintain muscle tone and joints
Mental health benefits for our dogs:
reduces boredom and destructive behaviour
mental stimulation and enrichment
seeing new things and exploration
practicing commands/cues
fantasizing about finally catching that squirrel
Emotional health benefits for our dogs:
expressing a natural behaviour
bonding with us
making friends with other people and dogs out walking
I know from experience that the Furryornot Gang dogs get very excited about their walks. There are a few exceptions as we have some 'Fairweather dogs' and dogs who prefer the couch in the Gang. But, the vast majority are ecstatic when we arrive and can't wait to get out. My dog Clyde was the same, he LOVED walks. Clyde enjoyed our neighbourhood walks and longer hikes when we went to Birds Hill just outside Winnipeg or Cascade Falls in Mission was a favourite.
Some dogs are notorious dilly dallyers towards the end of the walk (call out on Dozer and Lily H. even though they can't read, and my Clyde was too). I take this to mean that they wish the walk would be longer, which means that they LOVE their walk. The non-dilly-dallyers I think just enjoy getting home and treat time as much as they enjoy walking.
Dog's sense of smell and the Sniffari
Dogs have 100 to 300 MILLION receptors in their noses, compared to around 6 million in humans. And, the part of their brain that deals with scent is 40 times larger than the equivalent in a human brain. That is incredible.
What that means is that scent is incredibly important to dogs. So getting outside and exploring their neighbourhood, smelling where other dogs have been, sniffing out squirrels and other creatures, and experiencing new smells is how they learn and understand the world.
The Furryornot Gang dogs set their own pace and walking style. But, the majority are a Sniffari-style walk where they get to wander and sniff and seek out new paths their nose is interested in. This is key for the mental health and mental stimulation benefit. Some dogs keep a brisk pace but then when their nose picks up an interesting smell we stop to investigate. Some dogs go at a more leisurely pace and some keep their nose to the ground and smell continuously. There is a range of speed on the walks depending on age, size, health, and breed. Active teenagers tend to be on the faster side, and seniors on the slower side. Puppies are just learning so that will tend to be more about exploration and socializing.
In conclusion
Regardless, the benefits of getting out there and walking are important for us and our dogs. And, if you are not able to walk your dogs as much as you want (or need to) or if you have mobility issues you can at least get the benefits for your dog by hiring a dog walker like Furryornot Petcare to help.
Additional resources
Check out our resource pages for Abbotsford and Mission Pet Parents. We have one page dedicated to dog-friendly parks and trails and dog sports. So check it out to get some ideas about where to go with your dog for their next adventure.

Further reading: